Saturday, April 4, 2009

Make the Snow Go Away!

Okay if I haven't mentioned this before. It has snowed every week since Spring began. Don't get me wrong I LOVE the snow days, but I am so ready for some sun. Once again we are in the midst of a blizzard. Luckily for Jake, Callie, and I we left Chadron yesterday BEFORE the storm hit, so we were able to make it to my Grandpa's 72 Birthday party. I truly treasure moments like this because I absolutely LOVE my Grandpa. What a great man with so many characteristics to look up to.

Besides the Birthday party, I FINALLY cut my hair. I have been growing it out for about a year and a half to donate to locks of love. As much as I liked my hair long, I needed a new teacher look. The other day I was looking at my high school girl students and I would bet about 85 percent of them have long hair. It's no wonder I can pass as a student :) Anyhow I love it. It can't fit in a pony tail, but I'm sure I'll manage. Here are some pics.

1 comment:

Kari said...

Wow! I love the new hair!!