Saturday, April 25, 2009

Random Pics

These are some random pics I found of Callie on my parent's computer. She is the cutest "little devil" ever!


My parents got a new puppy names Riley yesterday. Isn't he CUTE?
Callie absolutely LOVES him!

Easter Egg Hunt Pics

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Weekend fun and updates!

CuRiOuS GiRl!

So cute.
Belly Blows....they REALLY tickle!

This weekend Jake, Callie, and I enjoyed Saturday in Rapid City. I was spoiled. I finally got some new clothes. They were well OVER DUE!
Today, Jake and I had to speak in church. Our talks were on General Conference. I spoke on making home a heaven on earth and Jake spoke on President Monson's talk. His was on being the best you can be. Overall it went really well, but I didn't like the freedom that I had regarding my topic choice. There were so many good talks at conference, how can you possible narrow it down to one :) Oh well it turned out alright.
I figured I probably should blog about Easter Weekend. Might I just say YAY for 4 day weekends. Jake, Callie, and I made a trek down to Laramie, Wyoming on April 9th to see Jake's sister and family. It was fun to get away and hang out with people our own age. We stayed a couple days and then went to my families for the BIG Easter egg hunt. Callie got six eggs, but the weather was miserable. On Easter Day, we ate a delicious feast at Grandma Sharon's house. I have truly missed the homed cooked meals.

Bangs won't even do the trick...

As you can see, I cute Callie's bangs (I know there not perfect, but she WOULDN'T sit still). I thought this would eliminate the problem of hair in her eyes since...once again, she WON'T let me fix her hair anymore. However, as you'll see the hair still falls in her eyes :(

Girls just wanna have fun!

Pretty in pink!

Love my GIRL!

Is there a bugger in dad's nose :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

New words everyday!

So because I am using this as my journal, I decided I probably should document the new words that Callie is saying everyday.
Gam ma (Grandma)
Pa Pa (Grandpa)
Ty Ty ( Uncle Tyler)
Mana (Aunt Amanda)
Cahlie (Callie)
No (I was hoping she never learned this word)
Bye Bye
She also barks when you ask her what a puppy says and meows when you ask her what a kitty says. She also knows where her nose, eyes, mouth, ears, and belly are. I had to laugh the other day because I asked her where her boots were are she lifted up her shirt and pointed to her belly. Jake and I share many laughs and smiles over her cute little personality.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Callie loves Honey Nut Chex!

I have a very picky eater of a daughter, but she LOVES cereal and LOVES feeding it to my Parent's dog Sadee.

Make the Snow Go Away!

Okay if I haven't mentioned this before. It has snowed every week since Spring began. Don't get me wrong I LOVE the snow days, but I am so ready for some sun. Once again we are in the midst of a blizzard. Luckily for Jake, Callie, and I we left Chadron yesterday BEFORE the storm hit, so we were able to make it to my Grandpa's 72 Birthday party. I truly treasure moments like this because I absolutely LOVE my Grandpa. What a great man with so many characteristics to look up to.

Besides the Birthday party, I FINALLY cut my hair. I have been growing it out for about a year and a half to donate to locks of love. As much as I liked my hair long, I needed a new teacher look. The other day I was looking at my high school girl students and I would bet about 85 percent of them have long hair. It's no wonder I can pass as a student :) Anyhow I love it. It can't fit in a pony tail, but I'm sure I'll manage. Here are some pics.